8 Steps to Boost Your LinkedIn Game...

Leverage this untapped platform to grow your business

Did you know there are over 1 billion LinkedIn users?

400 million of them are active every month.

But only about 10 million (1%) post content regularly.

In contrast, around 60% of users on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter post content. (Check out more social media stats on Sprout Social)

That’s a huge opportunity just waiting to be tapped!

Whether you're an e-commerce brand owner, a coach, an artist, a creator, or a solopreneur, LinkedIn is a relatively untapped platform to showcase your expertise and grow your business.

I'm here to guide you through it.

Step 1: Your Profile Picture

First impressions matter!

Professional doesn't have to mean stuffy.

It's 2024, and the rules have changed. Your profile picture isn't about the perfect suit, it's about authenticity and relatability.

A high-quality, approachable picture can create trust and show your true brand.

So, next time you glance at your profile picture, ask yourself, does this reflect the professional I want the world to see?

If it's anything less than a resounding YES, it's time for a reshoot.

Step 2: Your Banner

Your profile background is more than just a decorative element. It's your personal billboard that captures attention as soon as someone views your profile. Here's why it's crucial:

  • First Impressions Matter: Your banner is key to making a good first impression

  • Brand Representation: It should reflect your brand's identity

  • Highlights Key Information: Use it to emphasize important details

  • Visual Appeal: Keep it simple, clear, and readable

Use a tool like Canva to create a professional banner without breaking the bank.

Step 3: Your Headline

In this age of instant gratification, people want to know who you are in a heartbeat.

Your headline isn't just a job title.

It's your digital business card. Your SEO magnet.

So, be clear. Be specific. Add a spark of personality.

Experiment with it.

For example, your headline could read: "Creating Unique Handmade Home Decor | 5-Star Shopify Seller | Passionate Artisan."

Your Featured section isn't a place to flaunt your viral hits. It's valuable digital real estate for guiding your audience toward meaningful action.

Make purposeful choices. Use on-brand images.

And here's a pro tip - skip the descriptions. You want to reduce friction when people show interest in what you offer.

Treat this section as you would a storefront in the busiest part of the city.

Step 5: Your About Section

Your About section is your canvas.

  • Paint a captivating professional narrative

  • Start from the beginning

  • Share your challenges

  • Celebrate your milestones

  • Invite your audience to take action

  • Include testimonials

Remember, good stories sell.

Step 6: Your Experience Section

LinkedIn's Experience section isn't about listing companies you've worked with. It's about showing the real value you bring to each role.

  • Detail your work experience and the results you achieved.

  • For every role, add bullet points or short descriptions.

  • Don't forget to sprinkle in relevant keywords.

  • If you run your own business, display that first.

Step 7: Publish Quality Content Consistently

Making a good LinkedIn profile isn't a one-and-done deal.

  • To keep it pulsating with energy, you must publish quality content consistently. For many, 3-5 posts a week is enough.

  • Come up with a realistic content strategy

  • Mix formats

  • Keep your posts insightful and engaging

This isn't about churning out posts, it's about cementing your position as a thought leader in your field.

Step 8: Recommendations

LinkedIn recommendations are the engine behind your credibility.

Whenever you nail a project or leave a client satisfied, don't hesitate to ask for that recommendation.

This isn't vanity; it's strategic. Recommendations up your LinkedIn game, making your profile more searchable and undeniably convincing.

And there you have it. Eight powerful steps to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

It's your turn now. Go ahead, make some noise.

To your success,


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Boost Your Website Performance: Want to stand out online and attract more visitors? We will help you build a high-performing website that converts like crazy! πŸš€

  2. Supercharge Your SEO: Looking to get found on Google and other search engines? Our proven SEO strategies can help you rank higher and earn more organic traffic. πŸ“ˆ

  3. Get Personalized Coaching: Ready to take your business to the next level and beyond? As a coach to over 150+ indie brands, we have the experience and expertise to help you succeed like never before.

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