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How to streamline your content creation

You've Got Time for This

How to streamline your content creation.

Alright, let's get one thing straight.

I know you're busy.

Running a one-person show is no small feat.

You wear multiple hats every single day.

So, when it comes to creating content, "ain't nobody got time for that," right?


You're about to find out how you can still churn out amazing content without spending eons on it.

1/ Embrace AI. I know, I know.

But AI isn't just for tech nerds or spammers.

It's here to make YOUR life easier.

Whether it's grammar checking, idea generating, or even writing full posts - AI can do it all!

I have one request. Please don't just copy and paste.

Here are 5 tips for writing bettter content with AI:

  • Edit the AI output and make it your own, interject stories and examples

  • Write in your unique tone of voice.

  • Write for 5th graders. People are most comfortable reading at this level when browsing the web.

  • Use short and concise sentences.

  • Expand beyond basic ChatGPT. Upgrade to GPT-4, make your own GPT, or use other AI tools created specifically for writing.

One tool that has been a game changer for me is HoppyCopy. It's super fast to use and it writes in my unique tone of voice. It's perfect for generating ideas and getting past a blank page.

2/ Repurpose your content

Wrote an awesome blog post?

Turn it into a podcast episode, a YouTube video, or a series of social media posts.

One piece of content can go a LONG way if you get creative with it.

Now, let's talk about organization.

There are some fantastic tools out there to keep your content creation process smooth and streamlined.

Notion is my favourite tool for this. Trello, Asana, and Evernote can help you plan, organize, and schedule your content.

3/ Plan and schedule

There's no point in saving time on content creation if you're just going to spend it worrying about what to post next.

So, get ahead of the game.

Plan your content in advance and schedule it.

Streamline. Save time.

You'll thank yourself later.

Use Buffer. It's free and lets you publish to EVERY social platform.

You've got this.

And keep creating awesome content!

That's it for this week!

To your success,


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Boost Your Website Performance: Want to stand out online and attract more visitors? We will help you build a high-performing website that converts like crazy! 🚀

  2. Supercharge Your SEO: Looking to get found on Google and other search engines? Our proven SEO strategies can help you rank higher and earn more organic traffic. 📈

  3. Get Personalized Coaching: Ready to take your business to the next level and beyond? As a coach to over 150+ indie brands, we have the experience and expertise to help you succeed like never before.

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